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Unveiling The Mystery Of Prayer

Writer's picture: Zachary AcostaZachary Acosta

Updated: Sep 19, 2021

Unambiguously Defining Prayer

Most might define prayer by saying that it is, “talking to God”, but I don’t necessarily think that defines prayer accurately. The best way to simply define prayer is this; “Having conversation with God”. Conversations require both parties to engage in the talking part and the listening part. We're missing the point if we think prayer is a mostly one sided conversation where we do all of the talking and He does all of the listening. Though we might have a lot to say to Him, we can not forget that He has a lot to say to us!

Conversation with God should not be something we do as a religious and impersonal duty, but should look more like simple and enjoyable conversations. From the very beginning of the creation of Mankind, prayer has always been the foundation for what life with God looks like. I love to think about what life in the Garden in Eden was like for Adam (Genesis 3:8). I picture Adam being in this most romote and most beautful Garden sitting on a rock under a huge tree with a waterfall flowing into a small stream behind Him. I imagine the sun just rising above the horizen with birds chirping and the sound of rustling leaves as a gentile wind blows through the garden. I can see Adam hearing someone walking through the trees behind Him and turning around to see the kindest smile from the beloved Creator and then joining Him by walking through the trees have gentle conversations. No religious ritual, just a conversation.

Prayer has always been the most efficient form of wireless communication we've ever known. Simple men and women like you and I have always had the unlimited wireless plan when it comes to accessing the throne room of Heaven. I try to put it into perspective and think about how amazing the latest advancements in teachnology have enabled us to communicate with people from all over the world in mere seconds. Before any of that advanced technology, there was a man in a garden having simple diaolgue with God himself.

I'm always so surprised when I meet maried couples initially connected online through a website or dating app. Just a few decades ago we would have never guessed how easily it would be to develop such deep connections with people who we've never met in person through a computer or phone. Isn't it quite amazing that before any type of dating webiste or app was ever thought of there was a way to access the deep areas of the Heart of God? Convesation with God has always been the most effective way to interweave the hearts of the Creator to His Creation. It’s a confounding privilege that we can be relational and conversational with God himself, but because of His love toward us, it has become our privilege.

Prayer is meant to be enjoyed

I love what Mike Bickle (the Director of the International House of Prayer) always says, "Prayer will go from duty, to discipline, to delight if we will persist in it". Prayer is meant to be enjoyed it's not meant to be a rigorous religious practice. If we're being honest we’ve all had conversations that we didn’t want to be a part of for whatever reason. Those are types of conversations that we will do whatever it takes to avoid right? If having conversation with God isn’t something we can joyfully look forward to doing; chances are we we'll find any and every excuse to not do it.

Isaiah 56:7 says, "Even those (gentiles) I will bring to My holy mountain, And make them joyful in My house of prayer. Their burnt offerings and their sacrifices will be acceptable on My altar; For My house will be called a house of prayer for all the peoples.” God not only promised to invite us to His house of prayer, but He promised to give us joy there too. This isn't to say that there won't be difficult or challenging conversations with God but what's important for us to realize is that God has eternally knit prayer and joy together. If we don't understand that concept we become susceptible to experiencing "burn out" when it comes to prayer. However, if we access the joy that's been bound to prayer we will never "burn out" in prayer.

In our day to day lives we engage in conversation with either those that we have to talk to or that we enjoy talking with. God actually wants us to enjoy talking with him rather than thinking, "oh man, I have to go pray today even though I don't want to". So many people will come to the place of prayer with a perception that God is either far off and unreachable or that He’s angry about their most recent sin. Why would anybody pray if that were true? If God says prayer is enjoyable here's what we can be confident in; Despite our feeling that God is far off, He’s much closer than we think and has a lot more to talk about than just our most recent sin. If we allow these truths to take root in our hearts we will eagrly find the time to talk with God and approach the throne of grace with boldness knowing that we belong there.

The Eternal Invitation For Every Believer

Here's a foundational principle of The Kingdom of God: His Kingdom is relational and the workings of His heart are fulfilled through partnership with His People. The way God has chosen to accomplish His plans and purposes throughout the earth is by involving simple men and women like you and I in simple conversations. Here’s the beauty of it all; it’s so easy that anybody can do it. To pray you don’t have to have be the smartest, the wealthiest, or the most sinless. Prayer is accessible to every person.

Despite the overwhelming importance of prayer, God is not forceful with making us do it. In fact, prayer is always an invitation rather than a demand. Whether He was walking through the Garden in Eden with Adam or inviting His closest friends to keep watch with Him on the Mount of Olives, Jesus has always gently invited His people into that eternal conversation we call prayer. That invitiation has resounded throughout history and is calling out to you today.

Not every believer is called to stand on a platform and preach, or to long-term missions, or even to vocational ministry: but every single believer is invited and highly encouraged to have conversation with Jesus. No matter how many scriptures we memorize or sermons we preach we will never actually go deep in God apart from speaking with Him. Today you can quickly and easy begin to engage in conversation with the God. Go ahead, give it a try.

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